HIV Treatment Stops HIV Transmission!
Ask HSPN how....

Meaningful Involvement of People living with HIV

About imageAbout image

Ensure people with and affected by HIV are playing a central role in ensuring HIV prevention and treatment targets are achieved


A regional organization that specializes in promoting peer or community led U=U campaign roll out, Community Systems Strengthening, Behavioral Change Communication, HIV Cure, HIV prevention research, Demand Creation for HIV Services in order to combat HIV and it's impact


HIV Survivors and Partners Network is a South African based organization offering its services across Africa. It is led by people with HIV, with over 18 years of experience in managing HIV prevention and treatment services. The founder is serving as a Community Advisory Board member for PAVE and CureRoaR. She is also an HIV Treatment and Undetectable equals Untransmittable) Global Advisory Board member.

The organization's main goal is to fight HIV related stigma, advocate for people right's to high quality HIV services and ensure high demand for HIV treatment and prevention (including Cure and Prevention research), using U=U messaging as a tool.

The secondary objective is to develop HIV prevention and Treatment literacy champions among non-medical, medical health care workers and communities including people with HIV (a cadre that will lead effective literacy engagements in their communities). The organization also provide a peer led a virtual safe space for people living with HIV to ensure they receive real time advice and support from their peers.

HSPN collaborated with other organizations across Africa and co-founded U=U Africa Forum (a peer led organization that seeks to advocate for adoption of U=U across the region)

Meaningful involvement of People with HIV/AIDS-MIPA

U=U South Africa Campaign

U=U workshops for HCW's and CHW's Demand Creation Community and Social Media Campaigns Radio and Television talks IEC Material Designing

U=U South Africa


Advocating for PLWHIV sexual reproductive rights and prevention program (Concordant and Discordant partners)

U=U South Africa

Safe Space for Women and Girls with HIV

Platform to get real time non-judgmental advise from nurses living with HIV

Community Systems Strengthening

Peer led Capacity Building for civil society, non governmental, government and private business.

U=U South Africa

HCW's in Aids Care Program

Training and Mentoring for HCW's in Aids Care Championing Patient Centered Care- Annual Conferences

U=U South Africa

Peer Led Direct Service Delivery

HIV Testing and Assisted Partner Notification Peer Led- Community Based HIV Testing/Index /Couple Testing Safer Conception Service Advise and Referral Prep/HAART distributors

U=U South Africa
Viral Load Literacy Material Hub imageViral Load Literacy Material Hub imageViral Load Literacy Material Hub image
Welcome to the Viral Load Advocacy Hub, your premier resource for curated information on HIV viral load testing and valuable insights for managing HIV therapy to control the virus in your body. Explore our platform for comprehensive guidance and support in navigating your HIV journey.

"Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U)" is a groundbreaking concept affirming that individuals living with HIV who consistently undergo treatment to reduce the virus in their body to undetectable levels have a negligible risk of transmitting HIV to their partners. This phenomenon hinges on achieving and maintaining an undetectable viral load, where the quantity of the virus in the bloodstream is extremely low and falls below detectable levels. This transformative approach not only safeguards the individual's health but also significantly diminishes the likelihood of HIV transmission to their partners. Embracing this strategy not only promotes personal well-being but also contributes to advancing a safer and more informed understanding of HIV prevention within communities worldwide.

For people with HIV to acknowledge and benefit from U=U, they must have full access to Viral Load tests and results, they have a right to advocate and demand these services. Health Care Workers must ensure clients have access to viral load tests and share results with clients in a simple language. HSPN convened a viral load testing advocacy event (with key stakeholders) to educate communities about the importance of viral load testing and results, and how these are aligned to U=U

HIV Stigma Mitigation image
At the heart of our mission lies the fervent dedication to foster a supportive and inclusive community for individuals impacted by HIV/AIDS and their partners. Welcome to the HIV Survivors and Partners Network, an invaluable resource meticulously designed to forge connections among those touched by HIV. Our platform serves as a nurturing haven, cultivating a safe and empathetic space where experiences are shared, and invaluable peer support is extended.

We understand the significance of solidarity in navigating the complexities of living with HIV. Through our community-driven approach, we aim to create a sanctuary for open dialogue and discussion, facilitating conversations about the challenges, triumphs, and nuances of life with HIV. Embracing diversity in experiences and perspectives, we champion the importance of empathy, understanding, and acceptance within our network.

At the HIV Survivors and Partners Network, our vision extends beyond mere connectivity. We are committed to empowering our members, equipping them with knowledge, resources, and unwavering support. Together, we strive to embolden individuals to embrace their journeys with confidence and resilience.

Central to our ethos is our unwavering dedication to eradicating stigma associated with HIV. Through advocacy, education, and awareness initiatives, we endeavor to dismantle misconceptions and foster an environment of acceptance and compassion. By joining our community, you become an integral part of this transformative movement, championing positivity, understanding, and positive change.

We invite you to embark on this empowering journey with us. Join the HIV Survivors and Partners Network and be embraced by a community that celebrates resilience, champions support, and works collectively to drive meaningful progress. Together, let's redefine the narrative surrounding HIV and create a future marked by empathy, awareness, and unity.

These trainings are meant to capacitate Professional Nurses with the latest patient centered HIV programs across the cascade. The purpose of the programme is to ensure nurses render effective and effective patient centered care. Training courses are offered virtually (at the comfort of their office/homes) and all learners who submit their assignments will get a certificate of attendance. Following the theory, leaners are expected to do practicals, log cases and submit a portfolio of evidence in order to be deemed competent. There is a lot of demand for health workers trained on the courses we offer. HSPN is a recognized peer led institution and a leader in patient centeres care locally and regionally 

Employees health and wellness is critical and every employer is expected to invest to the employees. The organization offers peer led employees or work place program ranging from awareness campains and chronic diseases screening . Programs are facilitated by nurses infected and affected , they are more passionate and able to motivate employees through personal story sharing 

Service enquiries


Membership and partnership is free and open to all with the following restrictions.

Consider that your organisation is:

non-governmental organisation (NGO)
faith-based organisation
community-based organisation
national network
professional association

If you are a civil society organisation, we invite you to become a partner of HIV Survivors and Partners Network. Partnership is open to organisations working in the HIV sector as well as international networks and institutions active in the field of HIV/AIDS in South Africa and or Africa. Read more information about partnerships below.

Why become a member?

Membership enables you to get discounted:

Capacity Building opportunities (Training and Mentoring)
Equipment and tools required to deliver your HIV services
Peer led personalized IEC material with real life stories of PLWHIV for your campaigns
Demand creation campaigns

You also benefit from:
Exchange experiences with other NGO's
Present your concerns and priorities to key players at the Districts and National level
Join the Champions of Change virtual mentorship sessions

What does membership include?
As a member you will have access to:
regular e-newsletters on activities and forthcoming events
help in finding a partner for specific projects
resource material on our website
information in the Clearinghouse to share expertise and experiences

Commitment of members

We consider membership a two-way process. It enables you to share your best practices at the National and Regional level while at the same time you can learn from other experiences. Members contribute to and promote HSPN policies and programs in their countries. Membership means commitment for action.We welcome voluntary contributions, financial or in-kind, from members, as we depend on external support to enable the partnership to develop further.

Our partners are "first" and "second" sector organisations that are active in the field of HIV/AIDS in South Africa and/or Africa, including:

National and Regional networks
Governmental organisations
Global networks
International organisations
Private for profit organisations

Partnership enables you to:

Get more visibility with your partner profile on our website (to present your organisation and its work)
Having opportunities to connect to more than 400 civil society organisation in Africa
Referral hub for your clients to join HSPN peer led virtual support sessions
Opportunity to showcase your work on HSPN quarterly newsletter

If you represent a civil society organisation (non-governmental, faith-based, community-based, patient-based organisation or a professional association or national network) based in one of the African continent and active in the field of HIV/AIDS, you can register as a member of HSPN. Registered members will get a certificate endorsing the memberships with a unique code to use whenever they join sessions/request services

Join us

This program gives professional  nurses and nursing student (in their final year) an opportunity to shine and bring change in the health system. It also award them an opportunity to attend latest HIV courses so that they can be effective and efficient in their field. Upon completion of the modules or program, alumni will have an opportunity to mentor an organization of their choice closer to where they are and also form part of face to face or virtual discussion meetings to discuss barriers to care and develop improvement plans with an intention to mitigate all health systems challenges. Nursing is a diverse field only if one is open to opportunities presented and willing to learn. Through mentoring local organizations, one would definitely acquire experience making her or him employable to any NGO's locally and regionally. HSPN can write a letter of recommendation when required or be a reference. The same reference letters are key when one apply for scholarships/fellowships/conferences which HSPN is in a position to provide for any alumni.

​​​​Clients needs/opinions and satisfaction is key. We inspire and advocate for a shift from a provider centered towards a client centered care. Clients should be treated as partners in their health and social care. Personal reports or experiences are important, HSPN needs them to be able to advocate for change

PLWHIV are placing themselves at the centre to End the Epidemic by 2030

HIV Cure Agenda- Community voices are key

Despite widespread support for MIPA principles, meaningful involvement of PLHIV and other community stakeholders can be challenging to achieve and is not applied consistently in all areas of HIV-related clinical research. A recent systematic review found that community stakeholder involvement predominantly occurs in the early stages of a trial, often to support participant recruitment, but is limited in later trial stages. Methods used to engage with communities are also often researcher driven and utilize formal consultation methods, such as interviews or focus groups, that do not afford PLHIV any power to influence the research process. A team of close to 150 HIV Cure CAB members and Cure alumni's met to discuss strategies to ensure continuous meaning involvement of community in the Cure Agenda

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E.C U=U launch led by PLHIV

Eastern Cape becomes the first South Africa province to campaign on U = U. HSPN among the few organisations that initiated the concept and led the launch

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This segment of serodiscordant couples (SDC) is aware of their discordance (that one of them has HIV and the other does not) and have had their relationship disrupted by it in some way. They may be experiencing blame over who brought HIV into the relationship, disconnection around sex, and/or discouragement around conceiving. The discordance has been so disruptive for some that they now face the “discordance dilemma.” They see the avoidance of HIV transmission at odds with preserving their relationship. Other couples endure the discordance out of love and commitment, but the risk of HIV transmission is still disruptive, complicating the things they want and value in their relationship—intimacy and children. For Serodiscordant partners enrolling in PrEP is often perceived as more burdensome than helpful. Bringing up PrEP may resurface undesirable, negative feelings associated with the discordance, such as blame, guilt, and even violence. In visiting an HIV clinic, SDC risk disclosing their discordance to others, and partners without HIV risk being mislabelled as HIV positive. And taking PrEP may bring on undesirable stigma from others. Thus, when SDC compare PrEP to other HIV-prevention tools like condoms, many struggles to be convinced of its relative effectiveness and appeal.

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Elimination of Stigma=Elimination of HIV transmission

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Meaningful Involvement of People with HIV

  • Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa

If you want counselling about living positive with HIV, struggling with adherence, status discloser to your partner or information about safer conception please send us an email to schedule an appointment